Please use the form below to register for your desired class. We will get back to you with more details: I am registering for:*Please SelectConcealed Carry and Home Defense FundamentalsConcealed Carry I Intermediate PistolConcealed Carry II Advanced PistolDate preferred?*Concealed Carry and Home Defense FundamentalsMarch 2, 2024May 19, 2024June 23, 2024August 18, 2024Date preferred?*Concealed Carry 1 / Intermediate PistolJuly 29, 2023Date preferred?*Concealed Carry 2 / Advanced PistolSeptember 17, 2023Make of Firearm*Model of Firearm*Caliber of Firearm*Name* First Last Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Phone*Email* Shirt Size*SmallMediumLargeExtra Large2X Large3X LargeREFUND POLICY - We will refund student tuition if the student cancels a week of more before the scheduled class, if student cancels the week of the class the tuition will be applied as credit to a future class.* I ACCEPT THE REFUND POLICY